Oibooking.com has a search service that aggregates, filters and presents information to help individuals find and come into contact with taxis companies. Much like Google is a search engine that collects all information on the web. A website is public information, when you publish something on your website it will appear on Google, Bing, Yellow Pages and all other search engines as well as on Oibooking.
Why does oibooking require that I verify my identity?
At oibooking, safety is a top priority. Taking steps to verify your identity helps us confirm that the person using your account is you—and not someone pretending to be you. We do this to help keep our users safe, and to help prevent unauthorized people from using your account.
The first booking arrives in a couple of days. The nerves are kind of high with all the last minute fixes. We believe you have remembered everything. You may receive more bookings more quickly then you expected.
Protect against no-shows with Oibooking.com No-show protection
The money you make driving with Oibooking.com depends on class and how often you drive. Find out how your fares are calculated, which can help increase your earnings. You can log in to your account at black.oibooking. Check the right fare for your car , so you can earn more on top of your standard fare.
As soon as your car is published, travelers can book rides. Rides are cornfirmed and presented in a clear and easy way, so that you can easily form an idea of how, where to meet potential customers. If you are interested, you can start driving, otherwise you can cancel the rides in a good time.
Here we will explain step by step how it works
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